April 13th, 2017 @ 4:54 pm

over the years, i never understood why anyone ever said “punk is dead”. i still go to punk shows, my favorite bands keep putting out albums and we all still dress like punks, so how is it dead? listen, i may not walk around looking like a true street/crust punk, but i can name you […]
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January 12th, 2017 @ 12:53 pm

whenever i sound preachy about something, it’s really just because i know wtf i’m talking about (i swear to you that i say that without ego, only confidence). i hate people that force things on others, or just argue for pride… i only speak on subjects when i really think i can help people out […]
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July 26th, 2016 @ 1:01 pm

i hate to be the party pooper, or the *elitist* subculture defender, or even a bully… but labeling a dyed hair method/process is as annoying as normal people trying to be “edgy” by doing it. each time regular ladies hashtag or claim their hair is “mermaid hair”, i die a little inside. mainly because it’s […]
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July 22nd, 2016 @ 3:30 pm

soooo everyone and their mama keeps posting about these mirror/chrome nails recently, and i can’t help but want to chime in, because of course, i am an avid fan of nail polish/trends (and i’m very good at DIY’ing them or routing ppl to the indie brand version of any mani/polish). this one is a little […]
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June 22nd, 2016 @ 1:50 am

every night, i fall asleep watching frasier on the hallmark channel. every once in a blue moon, a commercial for smart cover will grace me with its presence between frasier segments. the quality of the commercial SCREAMS “the 90’s” (view it here), just as the backdrop and setting of where flori roberts (creator of smart […]
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June 8th, 2016 @ 11:54 pm

when i first started thinking of detaching myself from #JAEJESS, i had trouble thinking of a name. i was super stuck on wanting something short and sweet, and easy to remember. i thought of this one while i was in the shower, inspired by one of my favorite LUSH product’s label… lord of misrule. i […]
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May 27th, 2016 @ 10:27 pm

if you keep up with this blog, you’ll slowly get to know that i don’t really focus on my outward personal appearance. i don’t mean that i’m like, super hairy cave woman or don’t brush my hair or teeth or anything… i just mean it’s not super important for me to get my hair did […]
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